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Star Trek Timelines : Space Visualization

Star Trek Timelines was a monumental undertaking. We built all the art in the game with myself, Jason Booth, and one other artist in house for basically the duration of the entire project.

If you want to know more about how we got away with it Jason does a great breakdown of some of the challenges here:

We had incredible contributions on the ships and stations from...
Marc Apablaza:
Noah Berkley:
Armando Sepulveda:
James Ball:
Drew Hunt:
Alex Weissman:

© Disruptor Beam, Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.

This was one of our first space tests, looking very psychedelic.

This was one of our first space tests, looking very psychedelic.

This is one of the last systems I built, definitely my favorite.  We really had the nebula soup down.

This is one of the last systems I built, definitely my favorite. We really had the nebula soup down.

More early testing of Starbase art.

More early testing of Starbase art.

Utopia Planitia Fleetyards at Mars.

Utopia Planitia Fleetyards at Mars.