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The Walking Dead : March To War (3D)

3D and VFX work from TWD M2W.

This project absolutely defied reason. We had to draw 10,000+ objects every single frame to bring Washington DC to life. Mobile game aren't supposed to attempt this, but we did:

If you're wondering why everything is so low poly watch Jason's breakdown from Unite Austin 2017 (link above).

Another incredible effort by the very small Disruptor Beam Art Dept.

© Disruptor Beam, Inc. THE WALKING DEAD Copyright Robert Kirkman

Testing Shadow Strength stuff.

Testing Shadow Strength stuff.

One of our marketing screenshots.  Shows off awesome work by the whole team; Jason Booth, Greg Seegert, Jeff DePuy, Marc Apablaza, Yan Dong, and myself.

One of our marketing screenshots. Shows off awesome work by the whole team; Jason Booth, Greg Seegert, Jeff DePuy, Marc Apablaza, Yan Dong, and myself.

Daynight Cycle keys.  Utilizes our proprietary lighting system which allows an infinite number of directional lights at no additional cost.  We're cool.

Daynight Cycle keys. Utilizes our proprietary lighting system which allows an infinite number of directional lights at no additional cost. We're cool.

An example of the incredible low vert counts used to keep every single item dynamically batching.

An example of the incredible low vert counts used to keep every single item dynamically batching.

This is a single 2 tri Plane, with a wacky shader making the tarps billow.  The effect is of course attached to our weather system.  A similar approach with Vertex Animation got used on the banners.

This is a single 2 tri Plane, with a wacky shader making the tarps billow. The effect is of course attached to our weather system. A similar approach with Vertex Animation got used on the banners.

An example of the Prefab Stream system creating randomized quarantined buildings complete with props.

An example of the Prefab Stream system creating randomized quarantined buildings complete with props.

Some more super tiny dynamic batch-able props.

Some more super tiny dynamic batch-able props.

Even the itty bitty people have to batch... It was like Quake modding all over again.

Even the itty bitty people have to batch... It was like Quake modding all over again.

Multi-Channel Signed Distance Field UI Art.  I built a modular library of UI shaders for TWD : M2W that lean heavily on MSDF tech.  The result is a highly resolution safe image at a fraction of the memory.

Multi-Channel Signed Distance Field UI Art. I built a modular library of UI shaders for TWD : M2W that lean heavily on MSDF tech. The result is a highly resolution safe image at a fraction of the memory.