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Mobile Platform Medical Visualization

Some low-end ready Medical Viz work showing a Cryo Probe attaching to a Hamartoma growth. All custom shaders with aggressively packed data making all these assets very lightweight (entire scene is less than 5 meg). All shaders, materials, animation, client code created by me. All the visualization state is managed by a simple modular event system. Built in Unity.

Mobile Platform Medical Visualization

Hamartomas are a mixture of different matter.  The shader here does a lot of work to approximate a slimy outer layer over a denser core.  This is all done in one opaque pass with vertex displacement pulling the bottom surface down so it has gravity.

Hamartomas are a mixture of different matter. The shader here does a lot of work to approximate a slimy outer layer over a denser core. This is all done in one opaque pass with vertex displacement pulling the bottom surface down so it has gravity.

The Hamartoma in motion showing off vertex displacement and grossness.

The Hamartoma in motion showing off vertex displacement and grossness.

"Dry Ice" respiration effect. This is a combination of Particle and Material tweening.

"Dry Ice" respiration effect. This is a combination of Particle and Material tweening.

Breakdown #1

Breakdown #1

Breakdown #2

Breakdown #2

Breakdown #3

Breakdown #3

Breakdown #4

Breakdown #4

Breakdown #5

Breakdown #5

Breakdown #6

Breakdown #6